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Stan Mantooth Accused of Misconduct: Why Accountability Matters

Sexual Harassment Allegations Filed Against Mantooth and Sanchez

A complaint filed in November accuses Ventura County Community College District Trustee Stan Mantooth of sexual harassment and discrimination, alongside former Oxnard College President Luis Sanchez. The accusations include misconduct and retaliation, raising serious questions about the leadership's integrity.


This incident lead to a $100,000 payout.

Key Allegations:

  • Sexual Harassment: Mantooth and Sanchez accused by former employees.

  • Discrimination: Allegations of gender-based discrimination.

  • Retaliation: Claims of retaliation after reporting the misconduct.


Call for Change in Leadership: Integrity in leadership is critical for a healthy educational environment. Allegations like those against Mantooth undermine trust in the district. It’s essential to replace leadership that fails to uphold ethical standards and ensure transparency for the benefit of all.

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