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Ventura Community College Housing Crisis
Outdated Plans and Urgent Need for Expansion

The Ventura College housing project, originally developed based on 2017 data, now faces the challenge of providing too few beds to meet the current demand. The plan, once considered adequate, is now outdated due to the significant changes in the local rental market. With rising housing costs and an increasing need for affordable student accommodations, the original proposal falls short of addressing today’s realities. Key issues, including underestimated rental rates, escalating living costs, and the significant shortfall in the planned on-campus housing, must be urgently revisited to ensure the project fulfills the current needs of the student population.

Shortage of Beds:

The original plan underestimated the rise in local rental rates, which have significantly exceeded initial projections. This miscalculation underscores the urgent need to expand the number of on-campus rooms to meet the growing demand.

  • 2017 Rental Projections: The original plan assumed median per person off-campus adjusted rates are $615 to $1,662 per month, which is why the number of beds in the new building wasn’t set so high.

  • 2024 Reality: Current rental rates in Ventura have significantly increased, with two-bedroom apartments now costing between $2,474 and $3,763 per month, and four-bedroom apartments averaging $4,400 to over $5,000 per month. These figures show that rental rates have nearly doubled since the original projections were made.


Demand and Affordability:

Rising rental costs are making off-campus housing less affordable, increasing the demand for on-campus options. The original plan for 95 rooms and 340 beds is now insufficient to meet this growing demand.

  • Rising Costs of Living: As rental rates continue to rise, the affordability of off-campus housing for students diminishes. This leads to greater demand for on-campus housing as students seek more affordable options.

  • Inadequate Supply: The original plan estimated a need for 340 beds, which may have seemed sufficient at the time. However, with the current rental market, this number is insufficient to meet the increased demand from students who can no longer afford off-campus housing.

Market Conditions Have Changed:

Ventura's seller's market is driving up prices and limiting affordable housing options for students. With growing enrollment, the current plan for limited on-campus beds will become increasingly insufficient.

  • Seller’s Market: Ventura is currently a seller's market, with high demand and limited housing availability driving up prices. The low vacancy rates and high competition for housing mean that students are facing more difficulty in finding affordable housing options.

  • Increased Enrollment Pressures: As Ventura College continues to grow, the pressure on housing resources will only intensify, making the current plan for a limited number of beds even more inadequate.

Recommendations for Expansion:

Ventura College needs to reassess and expand on-campus housing due to rising rental rates.

A phased approach should be implemented to meet current and future demand.

  • Reassess Housing Needs: Given the dramatic increase in rental rates, it is crucial to reassess the student housing needs at Ventura College. A significant expansion of the number of beds available on campus should be considered to address the current and future demand.

  • Long-Term Planning: The college should consider a phased approach to expanding student housing, with immediate actions to increase the number of available beds and long-term strategies to continue expanding as needed.


  • The original plan for a small number of beds was based on outdated rental rates that have since skyrocketed. Given the current market conditions, the projected number of beds is no longer acceptable. A more aggressive approach to expanding student housing is necessary to ensure that Ventura College can meet the housing needs of its students in a rapidly changing rental market.

Despite these glaring issues: on August 13, 2024, the VCCCD Board of Trustees approved a draft agreement with the architect for architectural services on the Ventura College Student Housing Project. This decision was made without addressing the concerns that could impact our community and students for years to come.Vote for Justin Marshall to put students first.

Elect Justin Marshall to Put Students First!

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