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What is AI?

AI, especially through tools called Large Language Models (LLMs), is like having a helpful guide that understands and communicates in natural, everyday language. Think of it as a companion that can answer questions, assist with tasks, and make learning easier, all by simply chatting with you. This technology isn’t just for tech experts—it’s here to help everyone, making it easier to stay informed, connected, and engaged, no matter your experience with computers.

Tutoring Support


We are committed to introducing intelligent tutoring systems that offer personalized, real-time support for students. These advanced AI-driven tools provide detailed explanations and custom practice problems to help address each student’s unique learning needs. What’s truly special about this initiative is that we will involve our students in designing these systems themselves. This approach not only enhances their education but also encourages innovation and teamwork, helping them build valuable skills for the future.


Ultimately, AI tutoring systems are not just tools for learning; they are partners in education that adapt to each student’s needs, helping them achieve their full potential. By integrating AI tutors into the educational experience, we are equipping students with the personalized support and resources they need to succeed in an increasingly complex world.


AI Pipelines in Art

AI-Assisted Art for My Children’s Book


I’m using AI to develop a generative storytelling pipeline for my children’s book, and it’s a process that I believe students need to learn to stay competitive in today’s rapidly evolving workplace. This technology isn’t just about creating dynamic and interactive content—it’s about understanding the future of creative industries. By mastering AI-driven pipelines like the one I’m using, students can gain essential skills that will set them apart in a job market increasingly focused on innovation and adaptability. Learning how to integrate AI into creative processes isn’t just an option; it’s becoming a necessity for those who want to lead in their fields.

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